Not Exactly Peer Review
Not Exactly Peer Review is a column for scientists to discuss their opinions on current issues in science (and pseudoscience)!
Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence—The Carl Sagan Legacy
It is easy to forget that the extraordinary human being that is Carl Sagan isn’t with us today; he died of pneumonia in 1996 at the age of just 62. It is easy to forget [...]
Aromatherapy is Probably Useless, Perhaps Even Dangerous
Essential oils for aromatherapy have become rather popular in recent times, where the ‘essence’ of all that is good in plants is captured and inhaled to relieve stress and even treat diseases. However, there is [...]
Power Posing is Amy Cuddy’s Pseudoscience
Before we debunk power posing, think about the first time you came across Amy Cuddy. You might have stumbled upon her TED talk, the one in which the psychologist speaks passionately about ‘power posing’, or [...]
Welcome to The Skeptical Chemist
Hello, world. Aside from taking up a few minutes of someone else’s time, what is the purpose of writing science? More specifically, what place does scientific writing have in the life of a layman? This [...]