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Qubit Leaderboard (Updated Weekly)
1. ws2133 (251358)
2. sailormoonotaku (154305)
3. iampac00 (100015)
4. kenzomatix (61798)
5. jackduude123 (37855)
6. empresse (19921)
7. giraffeokapi (15675)
8. rukhboi (13015)
9. popoNUT (11575)
10. jayessss (10260)
Qubit Redemption Station (!redeem [item])
[timeout3] 5000 Qubits
Timeout a single user from chatting for 180 seconds :P
[timeout10] 10000 Qubits
Timeout a single user from chatting for 600 seconds xD
[vip] 30000 Qubits
Become a VIP! Join the cool kids and flex the badge in chat
[sticker] 45000 Qubits
2 TSC-Rex stickers mailed to you! (Please DM your address through Discord after redemption)
[ironon] 75000 Qubits
1 TSC iron-on patch mailed to you! (Please DM your address through Discord after redemption)
[freesub] 99999 Qubits
Free sub! Need I say more?