Not Exactly Peer Review

Not Exactly Peer Review is a column for scientists to discuss their opinions on current issues in science (and pseudoscience)!

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  • nongmo nonscience german sheperd ftloscience post

The Non-GMO Project is Actually Non-Science

July 23, 2019|

GMO is an acronym for Genetically Modified Organism. You might have encountered this term at your local supermarket, where certain products exhibit a ‘Non-GMO Project Verified’ label with a butterfly graphic stamped onto their packaging. [...]

  • chess pieces on scales ftloscience post

No, Education is Not a Social Leveler

April 3, 2019|

There is no doubt that education is a major social issue for countries across the globe, albeit one that is actively being tackled. We see terms like ‘equal opportunity’ and ‘equality of outcome’ thrown about [...]

  • baby in designer clothes DNA ftloscience post

How To Create Designer Babies

February 16, 2019|

Making alterations to your genome–also known as gene editing–is all the rage these days. Recent breakthroughs in this field enable us to make precise changes in the DNA, giving rise to many medical possibilities. While [...]

  • row of microscopes 5S in laboratory ftloscience post

Organize Your Lab With the 5S Method

February 3, 2019|

The 5S method gained popularity after the Toyota used 5S principles to successfully increase production while reducing costs. Today, we recognize that creating a tidy environment goes beyond the realm of car-making. Knowing how messy [...]

  • woman pointing at graph ftloscience post

Strong Inference Can Turn Your Research Into Results

January 26, 2019|

Let’s face it, not all science is created equal (in terms of funding, anyway). The current reporting landscape, for example, has placed the spotlight on topics like biotechnology and gene engineering. Most fields of science [...]

  • vaccine syringes and pile of coins ftloscience post

Vaccines, Autism, and Scientific Fraud

November 14, 2018|

We live in a world where a wealth of knowledge is readily available to many. Access to this is usually just a quick click away, but—almost ironically—this convenience means we are also more likely to [...]