Articles by Sean
Why Are There So Many Units of Pressure?
If we want to measure mass, we can use units like grams. For distance, we use meters. One parameter that has many different units of measurement is pressure. Why are there so many different units for pressure, and how do you convert one to another? […]
Producing Colored Glass with Chemical Additives
The earliest record of glass production dates to 3600 BC in the Mediterranean, later finding widespread use through the Roman Empire’s large-scale manufacture of the material. Its stability and chemical characteristics make it an excellent material with many applications. We can also incorporate specific chemicals into its amorphous structure, producing colored glass. […]
Preventing Asian Flush with Gene Therapy
While enjoyable to many, drinking is an unpleasant experience for some—associated with nausea, dizziness and pronounced red patches on the face and neck. Often termed ‘Asian Flush’ due to its prevalence in the Asian population, this genetic condition is caused when an individual cannot efficiently break down alcohol. We discuss gene therapy and other methods that could be useful in preventing Asian Flush. […]
Why is Tamper Proof Packaging Important?
Tamper-proof packaging has been a regulatory requirement for over-the-counter drugs since 1989, following several high-profile cases of patients being poisoned by tampered drugs. There are several ways we can ensure drugs are tamper-proof or tamper-evident, which will be discussed in this article. […]
Why Household Insecticides Don’t Kill Spiders
If you’ve ever sprayed insecticide on a spider, you might have witnessed it simply shrugging it off and continuing its merry way. Household pesticides commonly contain pyrethroids, compounds that disrupt nerve cells in animals. So why do they work on insects but not on spiders? We look at how spiders could have evolved to resist insecticides because of their venom. […]
Sean is a consultant for clients in the pharmaceutical industry and is a lecturer at a local university, where unfortunate undergrads are subject to his ramblings on chemistry and pharmacology.