
Articles by Sean

Complete Guide to Writing a Lab Report (With Example)

Students tend to approach writing lab reports with confusion and dread. Whether in high school science classes or undergraduate laboratories, experiments are always fun and games until the times comes to submit a lab report. What if we didn’t need to spend hours agonizing over this piece of scientific writing? Our lives would be so much easier if we were told what information to include, what to do with all their data and how to use references. Well, here’s a guide to all the core components in a well-written lab report, complete with an example. […]

By |October 27, 2022|Categories: Comprehensive Guides|Tags: , , , |

How NOT to Assign Authorship in Academic Publishing

In 1948, Ph.D. student Ralph Alpher and his advisor George Gamow were about to publish their work on the origins of chemical elements from the Big Bang. Gamow, well known for his pranks and practical jokes, couldn’t resist inviting his good friend and renowned physicist Hans Bethe to be listed as an author alongside himself and Alpher. The authorship assignment would list ‘Alpher, Bethe, Gamow’ and read alpha, beta, gamma—the first three letters of the Greek alphabet. […]

By |October 23, 2022|Categories: Not Exactly Peer Review|Tags: , , |

Is Your Lab Moving? 10 Tips For a Smooth Relocation

Although it’s a hassle, relocation is just a part of life. Sometimes, this means packing up your current laboratory and moving all the equipment and chemicals to a new location. Whether your destination is another country or just down the corridor, this article covers the best tips for relocating a laboratory, from researchers and lab managers who have made the move before […]

By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Not Exactly Peer Review|Tags: , |

Stop the Re-cap! How to Handle Syringes in the Lab

Syringe needles resemble rapiers: they’re long, pointy and very good for stabbing. Hence, we should take extra care using syringes in the lab–we don’t want to pierce our skin and risk getting dosed with whatever chemical is inside! This guide shares the best practices for handling syringes in the lab, as shared by other scientists. […]

By |October 17, 2022|Categories: Comprehensive Guides|Tags: , , |

GHS Symbols in the Lab: What Do They Mean?

Imagine going to a restaurant in a foreign country as a person with food allergies. How would you tell if the food was safe to eat? Sometimes, menu items have little pictures that show if a product contains peanuts, dairy, etc. GHS labels in the laboratory play the same role. This guide tells you what the symbols mean and how to handle each chemical group safely. […]

By |October 13, 2022|Categories: Bite-Sized Guides|Tags: , , |
sean author
Sean Lim
Chief Editor

Sean is a consultant for clients in the pharmaceutical industry and is a lecturer at a local university, where unfortunate undergrads are subject to his ramblings on chemistry and pharmacology.

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