Articles by Sean
Why We Still Talk About Smallpox, Years After Eradicating the Virus
The smallpox virus terrorized humankind for thousands of years. Even if victims survived the infection, smallpox often led to permanent blindness and disfigurement. This plague upon humanity finally ended in 1980 after a worldwide vaccination drive, completely wiping out the disease. More than 40 years later, it remains the only human disease ever eradicated. However, we can still learn a lot from this success and apply them to current issues such as monkeypox, coronavirus and vaccine development. […]
Komodo Dragons Are Cold-Blooded Killers With Venomous Proteins
On the tropical island of Komodo in Indonesia, just a few hours’ boat ride from the tourist hotspot of Bali, Komodo dragons rule the roost. These large reptiles are apex predators, hunting and devouring almost anything in their path. Their evolutionary successes are aided by a cocktail of venomous proteins secreted in their jaws, some of which might have future therapeutic applications. […]
Moles, Molarity and Molality in Chemical Calculations
Chemistry usually involves tiny molecules and huge numbers. It would be a mathematical nightmare if we had to deal with individual atoms! Luckily, we have the humble mole unit to help make otherwise complex calculations easy. This guide first explains what moles represent in the context of chemistry calculations, then expands on its usefulness in molarity and molality, a measure of solute concentration. Each section comes with worked examples. […]
Beginner’s Guide to Acids and Bases, pH and Buffers
What are acids and bases, and how can we calculate their pH? In this beginner’s guide, we explain why different pH values exist and why they is important. We then introduce equations to calculate the pH of acids and bases, before delving into buffer systems (a mix of both). This foundational guide to acid and base chemistry assumes no prior chemistry knowledge, although it is useful to be familiar with math concepts like arithmetic and logarithms. Finally, a cheat sheet lists relevant equations involving pH and buffer calculations. […]
Me-Too Drugs: An Innovation Killing Strategy?
Scientific advancement is built upon past knowledge. The successes (and failures) of generations of scientists shape how we understand the world today. This is also true in medicinal chemistry, where new drugs are constantly being developed to improve existing versions. Taking inspiration from existing drugs and making small modifications to them, many drugs have been developed in this manner. This article looks at the good and the bad of me-too drug design. […]
Sean is a consultant for clients in the pharmaceutical industry and is a lecturer at a local university, where unfortunate undergrads are subject to his ramblings on chemistry and pharmacology.