Articles by Sean
Dangers of Diethylene Glycol: The Poison that Keeps on Killing
Throughout history, diethylene glycol poisoning has been a regular occurrence, with fatalities from consuming the chemical arising once every few years. Despite our knowledge of the dangers of diethylene glycol (DEG), why does this chemical keep killing us? In this article, we will explain the sources of DEG poisoning and compare the toxicities between members of the glycol class of compounds. […]
Boosting Scientific Literacy Through SciComm
Society suppresses the sense of curiosity we have as children, causing us to grow into scientifically illiterate adults. This behavior is passed on to their children; humanity is trapped in a cycle of ignorance. We can break free of these shackles by fostering the love of science through science communication (SciComm), promoting scientific literacy in ways that education systems often fail to. […]
11 Laboratory Chemicals Also Useful for Home Cleaning
Chemists know the best chemicals for keeping their lab clean, but many of these reagents are also useful for removing dirt and stains at home. We look at 11 of the best lab chemicals that can also be used for home cleaning, as recommended by domesticated scientists! […]
Using Log P and Log D to Assess Drug Bioavailability
Early drug discovery is fraught with failures and frustration, with medicinal chemists frequently returning to the drawing board in search of more promising lead compounds. One way to quickly assess the suitability of a drug is to experimentally determine its log P and log D values, which we will discuss in this article. […]
Choosing Between Hard and Soft Gel Capsules
When was the last time you swallowed a capsule? Capsules are a common drug delivery system used in various supplements and pharmaceutical products. How are they produced, what types of drugs can they contain, and what are the differences between hard capsules and soft gel capsules? […]
Sean is a consultant for clients in the pharmaceutical industry and is a lecturer at a local university, where unfortunate undergrads are subject to his ramblings on chemistry and pharmacology.